Your offer ${{ userInventorySelectedValue.toFixed(2) }}

{{ }}
${{ item.price }}

Inventory Value ${{UserTotalprice}}

{{ }}
${{ item.price }}
Not Accepted
Please Wait 45 Seconds To Refresh Your Inventory Again.
Your profile or inventory settings are set to private. We can't acquire the items of your Rust inventory because of this.
Change your Steam privacy settings here After that's done wait 60 seconds and you can reload your Inventory
If you're certain your privacy settings are public please contact the administrator or try again later.
Sometimes Steam has issues with its stability of the inventory servers. Make sure that Steam is not broken here.
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Rust Trading Site
You need to sign in before you can view your inventory or trade.

← Trade → Select A Item From Our Bot Not enough value

7 - 18% fee for all skins worth $2.50 or more

Extra fee added for skins worth less than $2.50

{{ BotTotalStock }} Skins In Stock

Balance System Disabled

Overstock Amount 3

RustyTrade Twitter

${{ botInventorySelectedValue.toFixed(2) }} Bot's offer

{{ }}
${{ item.price }}
{{ }}
${{ item.price }}
There was an error fetching the bots inventory. Please try again later, Steam is most likely having issues.
Slow Down! Please wait 45 Seconds before refreshing the bots inventory again!
Something went wrong.. please try again! {{ botInventory.error.statusCode }}
rust skin trade siteSkins are Loading Please Wait